Thursday, November 27, 2008

Zazzle and Me

Me, in Chika Ogiue hairstyle ^^;

Weee! My shirts from Zazzle finally arrived. I've been meaning to get one when Chun first showed the art and shirt prospect at I was hoping she can order some and I'll buy it off her, lol. So then she told me about a deal from Zazzle during Remembrance/Veteran's Day sale, so I took up the offer and ordered the shirt along with a custom shirt and a magnet to increase the minimum I need for the discount. The second custom shirt was actually denied at first because I put a Haruhi Suzumiya picture in it... so I had to redo it before November 11 ended. But it was finally approved and was shipped on the 13th or 14th of November. I only received it on Monday, on the 24th...

So as you can see in the picture above, I look exactly like Chika Ogiue from Genshiken. I haven't cut my hair for a while and it grew that long, so I figured might as well keep it to make this shot XD And I like the shirt very much, it's just that... my belly's stretching causing it to wrinkle up on the side >_<
The other shirt I ordered is my own custom shirt I've been meaning to make for a while now, but I needed something better than going to the post office or printing it on an iron-on decal. This is my "John Smith" shirt. Well if you're wondering why it has an SOS Brigade logo in the front with those letters, then you need to read The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, Volume 4 of the light novels and the Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody chapter of the third volume. Or wait until the second season of Haruhi Suzumiya starts XD Those who can't wait to know what it is then read the spoilers below. Those who want to wait, skip the following text after this sentence.


In the Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody chapter, Kyon ended up travelling back in time to 3 years ago when Haruhi was just a middle-schooler. Since Kyon doesn't want to reveal who he really is, he uses the name "John Smith" instead. Haruhi doesn't believe it, but like she really cares. In The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, Kyon was suddenly transported into a parallel world, which makes him a slider! In that world, Haruhi was not in his classroom nor in the school, which made him believed that Haruhi "disappeared". In actuality, she was at a different school altogether. Kyon needed her to get himself back to the "real" world, but she doesn't know him... Which brings us back to "John Smith", the only name Haruhi would recognize. When it was finally resolved, Yuki claimed responsibility and told Kyon that her higher ups might reprimand her for what she did. Kyon told her that if the Integrated Data Sentient Entity do anything to her, then he'll use the magic spell, "My name is John Smith" on Haruhi, which should initiate Haruhi's power to get Yuki back and eliminate the Entity.


Anyway... before I went off on a tangent... the other thing I ordered was a Katamari magnet, and really it was just something to boost the minimum total, nothing too interesting.

I got my brother to take my pictures. Thank you very much bro, especially for your patience while I had my wardrobe change lol! So I've edited some of them and while I was at it I made some more just for fun ^_^

Wasn't really planned, but I'm a huge fan of Kemeko DX atm ^^;


Yes I know I should've put Kyon's face instead, but the pose and the armband is Haruhi's XD

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Another Wednesday Shopping Day

"Yee-haw! Ride'em cowgirl!"

So after staying out til 3:30 AM last night I woke up at 10:30 AM to go out shopping for Otaku stuff. Ok I didn't leave til 11:30, but I should've gone out later to actually check the computer since I couldn't last night... Then I could've found out that they've delayed the re-opening of SakuraMedia, a local anime store at Metrotown, until tomorrow... Ugh, didn't find out til I saw the store still boarded up...

Anyway, went through a few stores today. First stop was Crystal Mall to find my brother's a headrest for the car... apparently a bust since he doesn't like it, oh wellz. Then off to the two anime stores there, but nothing great. I am eyeing this Perfect Grade Eva Unit 01 though... I'm not gonna put bring that on the bus, so I'm not gonna buy it yet ^^; I also kept eyeing this iGallop machine they had in one of the stores. I did ninja a picture of the machine, but later on I asked if I can take a clearer picture but denied, so I'm glad I took a ninja pic lol. I also posted this at to see people's reaction to the machine (and the somewhat inappropriate video I posted lol).

Then moved on to Ages 3+... nothing there. I'm hoping for this figure of a girl in a Chinese dress from Kotobukiya to be there, but nothing today. Probably not out yet. At Toys R Us I bought Ninja Gaiden for PS3 ($5 off yay!) and Bangaio Spirits for the DS ($10 off! Yippee!). I wanted to try these two games for a long time now! At AutoWorld, I bought a mirror top display which I'll be using for one of my figure shoots, heh heh heh *evil grin*.

So since SakuraMedia was still closed, I moved on to Downtown, which is just a Skytrain ride away, to go to Golden Age. Chatted with people there and surprised to see someone actually know who the character is on my shirt, Fuko Sanjou! Got some of my manga fix from there and hopefully Secret Invasion #8 is on that list... I tend to just buy and don't double check, stupid habit. So with a huge bulging backpack I head home, but not before I dropped my MP3 player... It still works, built tough I guess ^_^

The shirt I wore today. Picture from Hobby Search.

One of my typical Wednesdays... Probably will head out to Richmond tomorrow, heheh.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

My Workspace

My Mac workstation! This is the spot where I do most of my work. It's a very old Mac. It says PowerMac 9000 or something on the tower. I was going to be given a widescreen monitor, but the computer could not handle a widescreen resolution... Sad. Ramune bottle from Japan Powell Street Festival that my brother brought for me. It's glass, so I can't just throw it away. Most of the figures are duplicates that I get when I buy the random trading figures. They're listed below.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Waitress Shana ~Alice Blue Version~

Cospa 1/6 Shana from Shakugan no Shana II
~Alice Blue Ver.~

I saw three versions of this figure and I knew right away that I wanted the blue version. The other version was Shana in black hair and black outfit, the other red hair, and orange outfit. I had no idea why the blue one was not available at the online shops I went to (Hobby Search & HobbyLink Japan). However I did find it at a higher price at Play-Asia. It costs more $50 more than the normal version! It must've been a limited edition that I didn't know about. I can't help but to order it... It's one of my favourite figures now!

I'm a bit worried about the twin tails on her hair because they're somewhat lose and you can rotate them around. I guess as long as I don't break the peg then it should be fine. It also took a while for me to get her to sit on that stool. So slippery and her um... "peaches" did not fit the stool at all. I'd assume they'd mold her "peaches" to the stool or something ^^; Those are my only complains. I like this figure very much, well I had to, specially with the price I paid for it!

Cute bare back ^_^

Hmm... what else can I put on her hand besides that tray?

Headphones included when Shana is in her tsuntsun mode not wanting to talk to anybody ^^;

So um, when I opened the box there was this plastic thing that was stuck inside her skirt... So I had to take off the skirt to take off that piece of plastic and boom! Striped pantsu! So glad I got this figure ^_^

AAA! Shimapan! Striped panties for the win XD