After a convention there must be merchandise abound, right? This is pretty much everything. I spent quite a bit less than a month ago at AnimeBoston, so I practiced self-restraint. I also got a few things that I've wanted too out of it instead of impulsive purchases ^^;
But first... there's a pile of loot that I didn't take a picture of. It's a pile of SAM or Suddenly Acquired Manga. On the Thursday when we were lining up to pick up our badges, some of the staff were running trivia for people in the line. A lot of manga were given away that day. When the question came up, "Which 3 brothers who are voice actors are appearing at Anime Evolution 2009?" I knew the answer right away. There was only one other person besides me who raised his/her hand, but didn't know the answer. I knew it was the Dobson brothers, but I wasn't really enthusiastic about answering trivia really... It's just because I knew the answer. I did get it right but the person who was about to give me the manga asked for my ID first since it's for mature readers ^^; So what did I get?
The complete Basilisk series, volumes one through five. I didn't bring a camera, but as you've heard from my Anime Evolution post, Chun from was actually there and we were waiting in line together. She took these two pictures for me ^^
She commented on how lucky I am on giveaways, lol. These manga were big so I couldn't handle them properly ^^; And yes, I do look like Shirou from Fate/stay night... and that's the Excalibur shirt I'm wearing.
I didn't take an individual picture of the poster, so I'll describe it quickly. I won the poster of Cybersix from the Charity Auction on Saturday. I didn't get a chance to pick up the free copy they were giving out from the Cybersix 10th Anniversary panel, but at least this one is signed by the main character's voice, Cathy Weseluck, Andrew Francis and Brian Drummond. A bit pricey but it was for charity.
So here are some of the closeups of my purchases. I didn't really open anything yet, so box pictures will have to do for now.
Kotobukiya 1/7 Gothic Lolita Ayanami Rei (Crimson Version). I wasn't planning on buying any figures during this convention at all, but on the last day one booth had 50% off on whatever they have on some of their shelves... Well how can I resist? So I finally got this version of Rei for $35, half price from $70.
The other figure I got was this Ryomou Shimei figure in the nurse outfit. I've kinda wanted this for a while, but wasn't sure about the quality until I checked the back of the box... "Good Smile Company". GETTO! She's originally $50, so I got her for $25. Funny how the figures I got for 50% off have blue hair, eh? ^^;
Ok this Hatsune Miku figma wasn't really from the convention but it's somehow related. I got it from my comic shop. It was supposed to be saved for me but that was in April. They put it on their shelves since I haven't picked my comics in a while. At first I changed my mind about this figma, but I think I may have a potential for her. So when I saw her still on the shelf I picked it up since she is rare. I did pick this up before I picked up my convention badge, so it works out :P
One of the ones that I've wanted... the Revoltech Danboard. Unfortunately this is the mini version. Fortunately it's the Amazon version! It still lights up. I've given up on getting this until I saw Anthony Poon's review of it. Good thing I saw one at the convention. I picked up several things from the booth that was selling this too. They've come all the way from Halifax, Nova Scotia! They're online only usually so it was nice of to drop by at Anime Evolution ^_^ Also from the same booth are these Macross Frontier trading figures. At last I've finally got a Ranka figure that's doing the *kira* pose, even if it is small... There were two versions of this Ranka, but only the colour of the dress is different. Whereas the Sheryl Nome have two different heads and outfit... which is why I have two of Sheryl here ^^;
A couple of keychain/cell phone strap thingy? Saber Lily and shimpanchira Miku! Even if I don't attach these to anything I can still use them for figma pillows/cushion ^_^
This is the Ranka towel you saw from the group picture up there. It's not a big towel, but a good size for something like a poster. Not sure what all these other text are for ^^;
No-pan Ranka??
The vendor had all these towels shown above, but I couldn't resist the Ranka one!
Another good deal was this copy of Replicant, Winter 2009 issue. Saber Lily shows prominently ^^ I checked the original price tag which was $32, but I got it for $10!
Saber Lily, Distant Avalon poster inside... I might post this on my wall.
This issue of Replicant also have a calendar included. Nice bonus! This Asuka figure pictured is still my favourite Asuka figure... except it's a garage kit. I guess I'll just have to enjoy it in picture form. Kawaii, ne?
The calendar goes up to March 2010 with Saber as the last month. I have this thing about anime girls with toast or some kind of pastry in their mouth...
The two months that I missed since I bought this in June... I would love to have Komugi visible for a month or two ^_^
And this is the current two pages that the calendar is on... And I placed this calendar at my workplace......
Yay! Nyan-Type volume 1! Ever since Optic reviewed this magazine I just had to get it. I'm so glad I found it. It was listed for $17, but I got it for $5. Bonus!
This is the reason why I wanted this magazine... Will be using this as my door poster.
A cute poster of Kiss X Sis. Very naughty anime... anyone saw the second OVA yet?
I've been hearing about Sexy Voice and Robo for a while now... who was it that pointed it to me? Belgarion from, I think. I bought this for $10 and saw that the original retail price was $27.50. Got pretty good deals here. And lastly I ventured through the Artist Alley. I didn't get too much, but I found a few nice items. When I first saw these Gurren Lagann's Yoko and Nia cutouts they looked familiar. I kept walking and thought where did I see this kind of design. Then I realize it was from that smooooch・∀・ × VOCALOID video! So I went back and picked them up. The Ayanami Rei card is something I could not resist... And I love these two buttons. I finally have something with Meiko on it! Sheryl Nome in her concert outfit looks great too!
I really didn't want to spend too much at this convention, but I think the damage was somewhere in the $200 range. Good thing there weren't too many things I wanted... and there were many bootlegs as well; really prevented me from buying too much. Phew so now I'm free from another spree event... Time to pay the bills T-T
You got chibi danbooru?? O_o Well I got mine in Little Tokyo, for less than 20 bucks, so maybe the japanese retailers don't have anymore, but you could try some american or canadian ones? (although it's not necessary since you already got one ^^)
Figure magazines are so expensive... I remember I wanted to buy one but after seeing the price... (can buy a nendoroid/figma for their price)
$200 @_@ I don't know if I'll even have that to spend in AX...
@yakuri: I think I'll be satisfied with the chibi one. Don't really need the big one and this is the Amazon version! :D
Thankfully $10 for this mag... because of those prices I've stopped buying figure magazines, but they are kinda cool to have if you're satisfied with just pictures of figures.
Yikes, really, eh? Hopefully not too many things to get 0.o
@Snark: Ahaha guess I'm not the only one looking for that Danboard :P Really lucky with those 50% off... I didn't think anyone would make that kind of a deal anymore!
Hee, you scored on a lot of your loot! 50% off figures is heaven for me, since not a lot of vendors even do that anymore. I really hope I run into deals like that when I go to cons :x
@Lene: I know. I was VERY surprised to see someone doing 50% off. I would've got so many but I really had to hold off XD
@Michael: Haha yeah that was one of my favourite photos. Very creative costumes ^^ Someone after me also wanted a picture of them too! I started a trend XD
@nyoron: Aye, I was glad to have those deals even though I swore I wouldn't buy anymore figures ^^;
@Saku: Do you have the red Excalibur one? I bought that one for my bro, even though he doesn't really know what it is ^^; Yeah, I'm so glad I got these two magazines, even though I didn't really know what was inside til I looked XD
@Wolfheinrich: Yep so lucky to get those bargains. Otherwise I wouldn't have bought anything ^^; Well that Saber Lily cushion is really small, lol. But it's still pretty cool ^_^
So youve got Ryomou and Rei?Nice! The Nurse Ryomou is actually pretty nice.Ive got the black "limited" variant and dont regret buying her.Shes one of my earlier figures. The Kanu that belongs to the set is pretty nice aswell but Hakufu is a total failure.Cant understand that they released her like that
@Blowfish: Oh yeah I saw the black one too, looks nice, but I didn't see it there, so I settled with this one ^^ Somehow I never really found a good Hakufu figure I want. She's become secondary compared to Kanu and Ryomou XD
Awesome loot LS! I need to update myself on Replicant Figure books also >_<. Do you know if subscriptions to those are available? or are they just sold randomly?
@haruiisti: you might find an online shop which will be willing to do a subscription for you but for the most part, they only sell them individually. Esp since the release schedule is roughly once every 4 months! I try to keep up to date but it's not easy. esp since they are quite expensive for what they are. the one shown by LS is 2 or 3 issues old which is why he got it at such a good price!
@Haruhiist: I believe J-List does that kind of subscription, not sure if they have one for Replicant though. I usually just go to my closest Japanese import book store. They ALWAYS have back issues. Mind you they are quite expensive if you buy brand new.
@gundamjehutykai: Thanks for answering some of that :) I think it's about time I add you to the blogroll ^^;
@GNd: I can probably find that Saber Lily cushion thing again. I know the store that sell it. My friend and I bought that 3 for $10. I got two and he got the other one. The Macross Frontier figures were $5 each. Pretty good price for picking the characters we want.
Nice loot, and congrats on the freebies and winning that auction. :)
I would love a Amazon Danboard for my collect, alas I don't have such luck.
About that Ranka towel, if you haven't noticed, it's from the same artwork for the MegaHouse Ranka figure. It comes from the side decals on the plane/mecha thingy that Ranka rides when they're fighting against the Vajra near the end.
No prob LS. Added you to my blogroll too. (can't believe I hadn't done so yet...) Unfortunately, J-list doesn't do subsriptions for Replicant or Figure Maniacs (the other mag I purchase) otherwise I would jump on them! They sometimes do some brilliant painting and modding tutorials!
@T.I.P.: Thanks muchly! I was quite surprised to actually find the Amazon Danboard one... I gues no one knew how rare it was before I dropped by that booth? Oh ya, I knew where it was from, but I actually forgot or didn't know that it was in the actual anime! I'll have to rewatch Macross F again ^^ It was on the Itasha as well, I believe.
@gundamjehutykai: That's unfortunate that J-List doesn't have that. I just find them really expensive, so I only buy them once in a while ^^;
@phossil: It's always in my wish list, as long as it's not THAT expensive XD
@Aisu: I got it from Golden Age Collectibles in Downtown. Basically there's this monthly catalogue that they have, and at times they have the random figma that you can order. Most comic book stores have this catalogue and will let you order from them. This one cost a bit more at $53... but it is rare and the Canadian dollar is weak at the moment, so I thought it was sorta ok. Oh and trust me, that was not random at all ^^
Sadly I would rather just pay extra for shipping than overpriced from stores like EverToy/Soul of Anime, and Golden Age. Might just be me though. >_> I support HLJ all the way if they have what I want.
@Aisu: Oh believe me, I would do the same, but Hatsune Miku was sold out everywhere by this time, so I took my chances on GA. Didn't even see it in any of the conventions I went. Sometimes the prices do turn out the same anyway with shipping and the currency exchange.
Yeah I know how you feel, I'm feeling the same way about figma Kagami (first version). EverToys told me they wanted $60, I almost lol'd...really. My friend's friend at Soul of Anime (I believe it's the main store for EverToys) said they were charging only about $45. There's overpricing and then there's just plain dishonesty, and they did both to me so I don't know what to say. Definitely boycotting the EverToy branch now at least...
But yeah back on topic, Miku is so hard to find. I'm lucky I preordered mine on HLJ before it came out. Are you getting the new WF version? :)
PS: I'll probably stop by again in the future if/when I get my own blog lol.
@Aisu: Did you go to EverToys recently? That store used to be a part of Sould of Anime, yes, but it was sold to a new owner. I asked one of the employees at EverToys about it, so that's how I knew. And yeah, their prices seem to be steeper than Soul...
Lucky you on getting it early. i didn't decide to get her until much later. Oh there's a new version of Miku?? Heheh probably not gonna get it. It'll be extra pricey XD
Let me know when you get your blog and I'll add you to the blogroll ^_^
@aprilius20: I'd like to think Asian countries would have better choices than here... Perhaps just a misconception on my part? Good luck in your treasure hunt in July ^_^
@figma fans & Anonymous: The original owners of Ever Toys sold the store (and possibly the inventory). So it's a different store altogether now. Possibly you got the $40 price from the original owners which is Soul of Anime now.
C'mon...the figma Kagami was released last year. It was sold out everywhere. I thought Evertoys was sold out long time ago. If you thought $60 was overprice, then you can try the Ebay. The price at Ebay is about 45 to 50 USD. Hot items are always going fast. Don't think too long next time. PS There is a new cosplay version; it's under 50 CAD.
Wow that's a major difference for that Hayate figure... The pricing seems to be so random between the two. What I've noticed is that EverToys seem to charge what they paid for shipping and probably customs too...
You got chibi danbooru?? O_o
ReplyDeleteWell I got mine in Little Tokyo, for less than 20 bucks, so maybe the japanese retailers don't have anymore, but you could try some american or canadian ones? (although it's not necessary since you already got one ^^)
Figure magazines are so expensive... I remember I wanted to buy one but after seeing the price... (can buy a nendoroid/figma for their price)
$200 @_@ I don't know if I'll even have that to spend in AX...
@yakuri: I think I'll be satisfied with the chibi one. Don't really need the big one and this is the Amazon version! :D
ReplyDeleteThankfully $10 for this mag... because of those prices I've stopped buying figure magazines, but they are kinda cool to have if you're satisfied with just pictures of figures.
Yikes, really, eh? Hopefully not too many things to get 0.o
Awesome loots!
ReplyDeleteThe KissXsis twins are so pretty... tempting TEMPTING >_<
YOu've got Danboard you lucky bastard!!
ReplyDeleteAnd awesome gets for 50% off with Rei and Ryomou too!
wow that's a lot of stuff ^^;
ReplyDeleteReplica seems like a nice mag, seems especially good for photo inspirations :3
@kodomut: They're very sexy seductresses!
ReplyDelete@Snark: Ahaha guess I'm not the only one looking for that Danboard :P Really lucky with those 50% off... I didn't think anyone would make that kind of a deal anymore!
@YuKi~To: Not as much stuff as the last one ^^; Yeah, I really love that magazine... too bad it's expensive at times >_<
ReplyDeleteHee, you scored on a lot of your loot! 50% off figures is heaven for me, since not a lot of vendors even do that anymore. I really hope I run into deals like that when I go to cons :x
ReplyDeleteI had quite the lol at that green lizard (dinosaur?) thing person attacking the butterfly :p
ReplyDeleteLooks like you got lots of sweet deals on your loot~ Always great when the wallet takes less of a beating
ReplyDelete@Lene: I know. I was VERY surprised to see someone doing 50% off. I would've got so many but I really had to hold off XD
ReplyDelete@Michael: Haha yeah that was one of my favourite photos. Very creative costumes ^^ Someone after me also wanted a picture of them too! I started a trend XD
@nyoron: Aye, I was glad to have those deals even though I swore I wouldn't buy anymore figures ^^;
I have the same excalibur Tshirt lol ^^.
ReplyDeleteThe Saber Lily -Distant Avalon- poster is really nice. And also Kiss X Sis poster is delicious XD.
I noticed that you got quite a few goodies from the magazine. It seemed like a really good purchase
LOL I see you got another Rei!
ReplyDelete@Saku: Do you have the red Excalibur one? I bought that one for my bro, even though he doesn't really know what it is ^^; Yeah, I'm so glad I got these two magazines, even though I didn't really know what was inside til I looked XD
ReplyDelete@Coco: Haha you know me XD
Looks like you got a few good bargain there! Hey look, a Saber Lily cushion! >.< I am a sucker for Saber Lily
ReplyDelete@Wolfheinrich: Yep so lucky to get those bargains. Otherwise I wouldn't have bought anything ^^; Well that Saber Lily cushion is really small, lol. But it's still pretty cool ^_^
ReplyDeleteSo youve got Ryomou and Rei?Nice!
ReplyDeleteThe Nurse Ryomou is actually pretty nice.Ive got the black "limited" variant and dont regret buying her.Shes one of my earlier figures.
The Kanu that belongs to the set is pretty nice aswell but Hakufu is a total failure.Cant understand that they released her like that
@Blowfish: Oh yeah I saw the black one too, looks nice, but I didn't see it there, so I settled with this one ^^ Somehow I never really found a good Hakufu figure I want. She's become secondary compared to Kanu and Ryomou XD
ReplyDeleteAwesome loot LS! I need to update myself on Replicant Figure books also >_<. Do you know if subscriptions to those are available? or are they just sold randomly?
ReplyDelete@haruiisti: you might find an online shop which will be willing to do a subscription for you but for the most part, they only sell them individually. Esp since the release schedule is roughly once every 4 months!
ReplyDeleteI try to keep up to date but it's not easy. esp since they are quite expensive for what they are. the one shown by LS is 2 or 3 issues old which is why he got it at such a good price!
@Haruhiist: I believe J-List does that kind of subscription, not sure if they have one for Replicant though. I usually just go to my closest Japanese import book store. They ALWAYS have back issues. Mind you they are quite expensive if you buy brand new.
ReplyDelete@gundamjehutykai: Thanks for answering some of that :) I think it's about time I add you to the blogroll ^^;
The Saber Lily poster is awesome, along with every other Saber related stuff ^^;
ReplyDeleteI really want that Saber Lily pillow-charm thingie >.<
Just wondering, how much are the Macross Frontier trading figures?
@GNd: I can probably find that Saber Lily cushion thing again. I know the store that sell it. My friend and I bought that 3 for $10. I got two and he got the other one. The Macross Frontier figures were $5 each. Pretty good price for picking the characters we want.
ReplyDeleteNice loot, and congrats on the freebies and winning that auction. :)
ReplyDeleteI would love a Amazon Danboard for my collect, alas I don't have such luck.
About that Ranka towel, if you haven't noticed, it's from the same artwork for the MegaHouse Ranka figure. It comes from the side decals on the plane/mecha thingy that Ranka rides when they're fighting against the Vajra near the end.
No prob LS. Added you to my blogroll too. (can't believe I hadn't done so yet...)
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, J-list doesn't do subsriptions for Replicant or Figure Maniacs (the other mag I purchase) otherwise I would jump on them! They sometimes do some brilliant painting and modding tutorials!
The replicant magazine in my wish list.. ^^
ReplyDelete@T.I.P.: Thanks muchly! I was quite surprised to actually find the Amazon Danboard one... I gues no one knew how rare it was before I dropped by that booth? Oh ya, I knew where it was from, but I actually forgot or didn't know that it was in the actual anime! I'll have to rewatch Macross F again ^^ It was on the Itasha as well, I believe.
ReplyDelete@gundamjehutykai: That's unfortunate that J-List doesn't have that. I just find them really expensive, so I only buy them once in a while ^^;
@phossil: It's always in my wish list, as long as it's not THAT expensive XD
Hey sorry, kind of random.
ReplyDeleteWhat comic book store lets you order figmas...? I'm in Vancouver as well so I'm pretty curious how much they cost.
@Aisu: I got it from Golden Age Collectibles in Downtown. Basically there's this monthly catalogue that they have, and at times they have the random figma that you can order. Most comic book stores have this catalogue and will let you order from them. This one cost a bit more at $53... but it is rare and the Canadian dollar is weak at the moment, so I thought it was sorta ok. Oh and trust me, that was not random at all ^^
ReplyDeleteAh okay, thanks!
ReplyDeleteSadly I would rather just pay extra for shipping than overpriced from stores like EverToy/Soul of Anime, and Golden Age. Might just be me though. >_> I support HLJ all the way if they have what I want.
@Aisu: Oh believe me, I would do the same, but Hatsune Miku was sold out everywhere by this time, so I took my chances on GA. Didn't even see it in any of the conventions I went. Sometimes the prices do turn out the same anyway with shipping and the currency exchange.
ReplyDeleteYeah I know how you feel, I'm feeling the same way about figma Kagami (first version). EverToys told me they wanted $60, I almost lol'd...really. My friend's friend at Soul of Anime (I believe it's the main store for EverToys) said they were charging only about $45. There's overpricing and then there's just plain dishonesty, and they did both to me so I don't know what to say. Definitely boycotting the EverToy branch now at least...
ReplyDeleteBut yeah back on topic, Miku is so hard to find. I'm lucky I preordered mine on HLJ before it came out. Are you getting the new WF version? :)
PS: I'll probably stop by again in the future if/when I get my own blog lol.
@Aisu: Did you go to EverToys recently? That store used to be a part of Sould of Anime, yes, but it was sold to a new owner. I asked one of the employees at EverToys about it, so that's how I knew. And yeah, their prices seem to be steeper than Soul...
ReplyDeleteLucky you on getting it early. i didn't decide to get her until much later. Oh there's a new version of Miku?? Heheh probably not gonna get it. It'll be extra pricey XD
Let me know when you get your blog and I'll add you to the blogroll ^_^
Danbooru and Chibi Ayanami^-^
ReplyDeleteSo many nice things, I hope the convention I'll be heading to this July will have such attractive loot too:3
@aprilius20: I'd like to think Asian countries would have better choices than here... Perhaps just a misconception on my part? Good luck in your treasure hunt in July ^_^
ReplyDeleteWhat!? Evertoys sell figma Kagami $60!??? I bought it last year from there. They charge under $40. What don't buy it last year?
ReplyDeleteHmmm....... Are you sure it's $60? I bought mine for 44.80 plus tax and it was the last one.
ReplyDelete@figma fans & Anonymous: The original owners of Ever Toys sold the store (and possibly the inventory). So it's a different store altogether now. Possibly you got the $40 price from the original owners which is Soul of Anime now.
ReplyDeleteC'mon...the figma Kagami was released last year. It was sold out everywhere. I thought Evertoys was sold out long time ago.
ReplyDeleteIf you thought $60 was overprice, then you can try the Ebay. The price at Ebay is about 45 to 50 USD. Hot items are always going fast. Don't think too long next time.
PS There is a new cosplay version; it's under 50 CAD.
i bought my yagami hayate from evertoys for 160 in feb, and soul of anime sell it for 216, i almost puked
ReplyDeleteWow that's a major difference for that Hayate figure... The pricing seems to be so random between the two. What I've noticed is that EverToys seem to charge what they paid for shipping and probably customs too...
ReplyDeleteLOL. You have to pay if somebody work for you. No free lunch. If you are the boss of UPS, then you can save shipping.