Is this what you call kit-bashing? Anyway this is my first time painting and customizing a Gundam, so feel free to criticize, advise, comment on how to improve this Saber Gundam or Gundam modeling in general.
I'm burnt out, so I'm just gonna let the pictures speak for themselves ^_^

"Don't look!"
~Courtesy of Black Waltz from DannyChoo.com
NEW PICTURES (July 2009)
I've done extra work on this Saber Gundam recently on July 26-28, 2009. I bought a semi-gloss Top Coat to make this smoother and maybe more professional. Unfortunately I used too much and some of the colours faded because of the alcohol based Gundam Markers... I salvaged what I could and made it work. Hopefully it works ok.
This time around I used the Caliburn from Saber figma for the Gundam, instead of the Excalibur from Revoltech Saber Alter.
This time around I used the Caliburn from Saber figma for the Gundam, instead of the Excalibur from Revoltech Saber Alter.