Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Within a Flash of Pantsu

I think it's about time I embrace what I truly am. And I am an ecchi man... Yes, it's hard to admit, but Mr. Fat Bastard (who's as ecchi, by the way) found me out real fast after several weekly posts at and Figure.FM. So I figured, I might as well make it official... "Within a Flash of Lightning" is no more, long live "Within a Flash of Pantsu"!

My nickname on this blog also changed to "Ecchi Man", but the web address stays the same... It'd make it really difficult for others to relink... Maybe when I get my own domain. I don't want to change other nicknames in other places either... This will be strictly on my blog which will focus more on ecchiness from now on.

So what better way to change the header but using Hatsune Miku, who single-handedly revolutionized the shimapan/striped pantsu. I had many choices on which picture to use, but I think what's up there now is the best that fits what I'm looking for.

I wouldn't mind using this one, but my plan was to put the title in the stripes of the pantsu. I could've placed the blog title on the back of her hips though.

This one is nice... but too much wrinkles in the pantsu... It would've been hard to place text there. Oh and isn't it so true that "The Ecchiness Begins Within a Flash of Pantsu"? I think a lot of ecchi things in anime begins with just that flash... I think a flash from Sailor Moon's super short skirt would be enough to put young boys in a tizzy! Ok, Sailor Moon's not really pantsu, but they don't know any better.

Which brings up what I will post after this official change... Bakemonogatari will be first to be spotlighted in this new format. That show, after all the quick flashes of scenes, begins with a flash of pantsu!

I was considering using this, but I thought it was too square for a header. It looks very good, ne? I've changed little bits of the colours in the text to match some of the best colours of pantsu. Hopefully it's not that hard to see. I know pink is much too light using my background.

So, hopefully you'll still join me in my way of life as I embrace the ecchi in me!


  1. So you have "officially" gone ecchi? Sounds kinda wrong but that's what you are commonly known as nowadays... lol

  2. .....what?! >o> Ecchiman? Within a Flash of Pantsu? Ahh this made me speechless XD.

    Anyway I still won't call you Ecchiman even you're ecchi. XD

    You have to pay for getting your own domain like [dot]com right?

  3. Heeee?! Unbelievable!!
    That's a good thing ^^

  4. this one, looks like she farted ^^;


  5. @Q: Might as well go with it if they call me that ^^;

    @Yamada: Yah, have to pay for my own [dot]com domain. It's not that expensive depending on where you go.

    @Hayasaki-kun: Thanks! I hope to bring more "good things" here >:)

    @chun: Divine wind!

  6. I'm impervious, because I promised to myself I would not believe ANYTHING ANYBODY says today.

    But really, I support this. The soundest idea evar. That is also a brilliant naming scheme you've got there. Have a well earned cookie, meng. Am rushing off now to irl matters, but will add more here if more comes to mind later.

  7. @Tim: It's a good thing I posted this on March 31st and not April 1st, right? The ecchiness continues!

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!haaa...., when do we start the club? XD

    I thought you were already accepting of your ecchiman nickname, just didn't use is as much lololol XD

  9. @Yaku: We can start now! :D

    Yeah, well now it's officially "ecchi man" ^^

  10. right now, I feel like Kyon whenever Haruhi assaults Mikuru.

    I want to facepalm and say something sensible like how ridiculous it all is and put a stop to it but I find myself doing nothing and just watching...

    *checks date*

  11. within a flash of pantsu sounds good! lol xD

  12. @Delon: Thanks!

    @gundamjehutykai: That's a very good analogy. And I'm Haruhi messing with reality. So now this is reality. It's April 2nd now btw ^^

    @YuKi-To: Thank you ^^

    @phossil: Oh it will stay in other places except here, lol.

    @yakuri: I still like the LS, just seems more appropriate not to use it here XD

  13. What, no variety?

    Oh well, will miss the lightning, except ecchi and lightning is horrible mix of chaos^^;

  14. Wow, didn't think you would actually change the blog name to match your personal habit, but ecchi man is ecchi man... then who am I?

  15. LOL! Well, I think you choose the perfect pic for your header. Fits it just right. I didn't even know you were gonna change you site, but Ecchiman is full of secrets.

    Have no idea why you say I'm just as ecchi tho. I'm sure if you ask anyone they wouldn't know what you mean XD. Long live Ecchiman. *theme song start*

  16. @GunStray: No, sorry, lol. I was too lazy to find other ones XD That is indeed a chaotic mix.

    @Wolfheinrich: Ahaha, that's a nice way of putting it ^^;; You'd be WolfheinrEcchi?

    @FatB: Luke Skywalker: "You'll find that I'm full of surprises." Hmm... I think you called me ecchi man so you can deflect attention from your ecchiness!

  17. Since it's not April 1st anymore, I'm ready to believe you. Bikkuri!

  18. *Clap..clap... CLAPCLAPCLAPCLAP* AWESOME! Simply AWESOME!!!

  19. @Tim: Now you have to sing that Winter Olympics Song, "I Believe" :P

    @K: *bows* Thank you. Thank you! *bows*

  20. Honestly, I'm flabbergasted by the sheer number of pictures there are of one woman's ass.

  21. @Snark: Do I do the mandatory "DAT ASS" comment here?

  22. I'm liking the change. ^ ^
    Look forward to much more pantsu and ecchi!

  23. @Yi: This season's got lots of pantsu and ecchi! You won't be disappointed XD

  24. go go ecchi man? Interesting change up XD Might as well be true to yourself right?

  25. @Persocom: That almost sounds like a Disney song... Something out of Mulan? XD

    Finally~ It was time to realize your TRUE SELF and PROCLAIM IT TO THE WORLD!!! nyahahahahahahha :3

  27. YO!! whassup?? congratulations for officialy gone ecchi!!,And welcome to the hentaqiuniverse,the place where you find al about ecchi( give it a try to the web,its in spanish(i am spanish)but Dont Worryy,when i have a try i traduce it to english...Godd Luck being ecchi bye

    Atte: Lord.V

  28. @Argyle: It's in another spot now :P

    @Lord.V: Haha thanks for the invitation. I'll try to drop by. This was an April Fool's joke, but it's real on another website now :D

  29. I <3 this fotos
