And after all that coverage of the AnimeBoston convention, we get to the loots! I was carrying around a half-filled luggage when I went there and I filled it up when I got back. I was prepared to get lots of loots, but I was also limiting myself because I know I may not have all the room in there ^^;
I made close-up pictures of each item above except for two things. One is the Nanoha DVD box. It's actually just an empty box that I got from the
Anime on DVD panel ran by Chris Beveridge. They're no longer called Anime on DVD anymore though. They're under the Mania banner ever since sometime last year. The second one is also from the same panel, which is Aqua Bless. No need to mince words here, it's a hentai manga. Yep, but it was free! Something that I could've bought from the dealer's room for $20 and I got it for free! So glad I attended this panel. Basically in the panel, you ask a question and you're allowed to take something for free from the table. He's got LOTS of free stuff there. Although by the time I was able to ask a question, all the good stuff were mostly gone. There were one copy left of this manga after I picked it up, I wonder who got the second one ^^;

I usually buy a lot of shirts from anime conventions, but there weren't a lot that interests me. The one on the left, Lucky Eva shirt featuring Tsukasa as Rei and Kagami as Asuka was one of the shirts I was looking to order from JList, but thankfully I waited and got it from the convention. Tsukasa being my favourite character from Lucky Star and Rei as my favourite from Evangelion ^_^
As for the Yoda shirt... I didn't really buy it. My brother who went to Disneyland around the same time I went on my trip bought it for me. I just had to take a picture of it since it looks so funny. The front of the shirt is in the image below.

I was saving space in my lugagge for figures, but I couldn't find any scaled figures that I wanted badly from there, so I got these smaller types instead. I've finally got my hands on the Yoko movie version, and was able to give my older Yoko to someone who wanted it more. I resisted on getting this cheerleader Haruhi, but the faces on this was so hard to resist... I may have a use for these faces for my comics. Since I bought a Ryomou figma, I thought I'd have Kanu as a part of my collection too, perhaps I can use it for the comic as wel, lol. And lastly the Oukachan Nendoroid; possibly the ONLY nendoroid that was being sold in the building! I mean, I did not see any other Nendoroids there at all except for this one. I've never even seen this one before, but it looked so cool that I had to get it, after going back and forth in my mind whether I should get it or not.

I usually don't buy trading figures anymore... but these ones are interesting enough that I manage to get one of each. Well the one on the left, Flat Style, was already opened, so you can pick and choose what you want.

Whereas the other one, the box on the right, have this mosaicced picture that caught my interest, lol.

So I got this twin tail girl with striped pantsu from the Flat Style box and got the nekkid girl riding on a goldfish for the one with the mosaicced picture on its box ^^; I really wanted that one with the mosaics, lol.

I was planning to get more DVDs but nothing else caught my eye and they were mostly expensive. I got Princess Blade for $5 from the ADV booth... though I'm thinking I may have this one already. I was going back and forth about the Macross Ace Frontier game too... I found out that this vendor was selling it cheaper than the other one, so I thought it was a pretty good pickup. Kinda hard to play, but that's because I was sleepy when I was trying it, lol. Lastly, the Kalafina CD. Really good songs on it, especially after listening to them live. I got mine autographed by the three vocalists along with Yuki Kajiura. Some of the songs are already some of my favourites.

Something I picked up from the Artist Alley, Samus in zero suit. I was going to buy a Miku from them as well, but they drew her with a bigger oppai which was not accurate ^^;

Here's the back of the eroge I picked up. Brave Soul, Bible Black and Kana ~Little Sister. I've been wanting to play Brave Soul since it's like an actual RPG and it's got the same art as Scrapped Princess character design. I heard Kana had a really good story. And Bible Black... is Bible Black. I had a stopover in Ottawa where I had to pick up my luggage for the connection... I was so worried because I had to go through Canadian custom and was asked several questions. Thankfully he didn't ask me to open my luggage or these three will not be here in this picture. At least Bible Black wouldn't be... It was quite nerve-wracking. Remind me to never go through a Canadian city stopover again.