The Melancholy of Saber Lily Parts 5 & 6
Gokigenyou minna-san! This week's yuri mania is a continuation of my Saber Lily versus Chouyusha Haruhi series, parts 5 and 6. I'd like to post a yuri anime review, but I got a tad busy this week to post lots of screenshots.
Unfortunately the jokes didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped... It looked funny in my mind, but putting it together I felt like I was struggling to find good lines and jokes that fits. Judge for yourself.

I broke my Kyon figma last time, but I replaced his arm with Koizumi's. Can anyone else guess what other part of Koizumi I used? Ok this one is kinda a stolen joke from Haruhi Suzumiya, but I changed the ending a little bit. ^^

Guest starring: Revoltech Fraulein Rin. I actually like this version of Rin than the figma version. People complained about the face, but I love her face. It looks a bit cuter than the figma one. It's also the return of the Lily panel lol. Again I didn't think this joke worked as well, especially since it's a reference to the Fate/stay night adult computer game, not the anime. This was also a last minute addition. I was just scouring my room for figures I can use and saw Rin and I thought I'd use it.
I feel like doing the "orz" pose for doing these 2 strips. They have "fail" written all over them. But fear not, the next few scripts are better! Til next time... Gokigenyou!