Or is it Otakudoom... Because when earthquake hits... it'll be the doom of an otaku! If he's sleeping on the bed that is. This is what has been mentioned many times on DannyChoo.com but has never been seen... Until now! Come and take a tour of this shameful legendarily messy room.

As you open the door you are greeted by stacks and stacks of manga. You can see the carpet, or the lack of because of how much stuff is on top of it. To the left of it are boxes of figures. This carpeted path has been preserved so that one would be able to reach the bathroom where the light is shining through and the mini drawer for clothes where you see a
LOT of Ayanami Rei figures.

Behind the door is another stack of manga. It's been kept small because it has toppled and blocked the door before. And Hetare Saber greeting you with her nonchalant eyes.

As you look up, you'll see a huge Ayanami Rei wallscroll and a newly stuck on poster from Megami magazine and see the huge amounts of Ayanami Rei figures with some invaders in the form of
Saber Gundam, Lacus Clyne and
Lunamaria Hawke.

You turn your head to the right and see the three wallscrolls adorning the walls. Evangelion, Chii from Chobits and .hack//Legend of the Twilight.

You turn your whole body to the right and see the stacks of figure boxes, a shelf that was meant for manga but has been turned to a figure box shelf, a metallic shelf with trading figures and a detolf that's only half filled with unboxed figures (half of it filled with boxed ones).

Then you look down on to the bed and see
Goth Loli Ryomou dakimakura and Sakurano Otoha cover. Above them is the
Yoko oppai mousepad and Cardcaptor Sakura cushion on the pillow. Besides the pillow to the left and right are plushies from different series.

Then you turn towards the window... bags of comic books are stacked on top of the bed. Clothes that doesn't fit in the drawer are also placed here underneath Saber's lion plushie. Old anime CDs, Komugi Nakahara standee, more figure boxes and stacks of PSP games. The stereo is almost blocked out completely. Some unboxed figures such as the Range Murata PSE series and the "thermometer" Haruhi Suzumiya bunny girl figure. She's a "thermometer" because she changes colour when it's above 15 degree celsius or below. Right now she is brown because it's still cold in spring, but when summer hits, she'll be completely white.

Looking closer to the corner beside the stereo is the
mini Asuka shrine and another stack of manga along with stacks of bags of comic books. The huge Grunty sure is cute though.

You clear the bed by folding the dakimakura in half so you can sit down and look to the front where the boxes of figures look wider than you thought when you entered the room. Behind the stack is a shelf filled with mangas to the brim and finally see some Gundams on top of the shelf. The manga towers seem to be leaning...

Beside the manga towers are more figure boxes... You'd think it's hell like this... Well you're right since there is the
Hell Girl figure and but also heaven because of the panchira figure of
Franco Il Nero.

You stand up and look to the left of the bed... you can see that its IMPOSSIBLE to reach the closet because of the junk blocking the way. There used to be a path, but that has been long blocked by more figures.

You look up to the shelf and you realize you see MORE stacks of manga holding up the
Yuiko from Little Busters figure. The figma boxes provide some colour...

Then you see this strange bag with Club Monaco on it... Fellow blogger
RadiantDreamer might remember what it is... He sold a figure and puts it in this bag before he handed it to the purchaser. Then you see more Gundams on top of the Detolf.

You look closer to the Detolf and finally see the Haruhi figures that are displayed there. 2 Freeing Bunnies... no wonder there aren't too many figures inside it. Dust can be hard to clean off from those fishnet stockings.
This is the end of the tour of this room... the following are rooms around the house.

This Darth Vader standee was a legacy from the old room. It's been moved to another less cluttered location.

Polystone figure that was too dangerous to place in the cluttered room, you know her from the Nadesico movie, Hoshino Ruri, 16 years old.

Downstairs is a shelf full of anime DVDs along with miscellaneous things that had no other place to go...

To the right of the first DVD shelf is another DVD shelf, also filled to the brim. You can see the Kemeko & MM figure boxes, waiting for photo opportunity or a place for them to be displayed.

The main computer spot. It's not much of a desk... the monitor is sitting on top of a box and using a stool to sit on. Another DVD shelf holds the PS3 & Wii games along with more DVDs.

And finally the most recently built shelf already full with more DVDs, top to bottom. Which brings us to the end of this tour. We hope you enjoy the tour and perhaps you may understand how Otakudom can be dangerous to one's health and financial situation.